
The President promised a $1 trillion infrastructure investment over ten years that he said would rebuild American cities and create millions of new jobs.

Fort Smith Counting on President Donald Trump

2021-05-13T17:26:25+00:00April 26th, 2017|Categories: Articles, Logistics, Phoenix, Projects, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Fort Smith residents eagerly wait for details of a bill that President Donald Trump promised, including a $1 trillion infrastructure investment over ten years. This investment would rebuild American cities and create millions of new jobs, ... Read More

Phoenix Logistics | Strategic Real Estate. Applied Technology. Tailored Service.

Strategic Real Estate. Applied Technology. Tailored Service.

Phoenix Logistics, a third-party logistics company. We provide logistical support solutions to increase business efficiency, profitability, and drive growth.


Logistical support covers a wide variety of disciplines, from warehouse management to freight brokerage. Phoenix Logistics provides support in locating and attaining the correct logistics solutions based on each business’s individual needs and requirements.

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